MoveFwd provides a stepping stone to early independence

Sometimes independence is thrust upon young people who aren’t ready for it. MoveFwd staff provides a safety net to help them succeed as they learn to make their own way. Here’s a story to demonstrate how we can help.

“Amelia” got caught in the middle of her parents’ divorce. She was 18 and neither parent was willing to continue supporting her — either financially or emotionally. She was legally an adult, but she lacked the skills, income and experience to navigate independence on her own. She was overwhelmed and on the verge of living on the streets. But she found her way to our drop-in center.

At MoveFwd, she found case managers who know how to navigate systems. Amelia had already demonstrated courage and determination. She had a part-time job, but she didn’t have savings for a damage deposit and her wages weren’t high enough to afford a safe place.

We worked with Amelia to help her succeed as a new renter. We met regularly to help her learn about budgets, meal planning, setting boundaries, and navigating her relationship with her landlord. After just a few months, Amelia was working more hours and was able to pay a higher portion of her rent. By the end of a year, she was paying all of it and her impressed landlord offered her a new one-year lease.

For over 25 years, we have partnered with young people like “Amelia” to land on their feet when things got hard to face alone. MoveFwd supports young people and their families with quick-response, barrier-free, no-cost counseling and case management. We serve young people at the older end of the spectrum with our housing program and Drop-in Center. Homelessness in our suburbs is a growing problem. Donors like you make our work possible. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for helping us help families and schools take care of our community’s young people.